“Sigaw na Pabulong,” a Filipino phrase that translates as “Shout in Whisper.” The collection is inspired by a series of sentiments caused by being deprived of independence and autonomy. It is an exploration of emotions derived from being suspended in a state of stagnation, thus losing the ability to hear and follow their subconscious. These experiences create a frustration towards not being able to free themselves from all influences imposed by external forces.

Title: Sigaw na Pabulong

Techniques: Applique, Beadwork, Electronics, 3D Modeling/Printing

Materials: Duchess Satin, Japanese Cotton, Mikado Silk, Gazar, Gems And Beads

Designer: Ziv Damian (zivreialexi@gmail.com)

Creative Director: Ziv Damian

Model: Joma Bernardo

Photography: Neil De Belen

Make-Up: Victor Loong

Hair: Ashley Alviar