Taking inspiration from the dominancy 1960s science-fiction film genre, 1970s Glam Rock era of rockstars, and 1980s primetime soap opera television model (where they all share the same aesthetic), primarily focusing on the film franchise, Blade Runner. This collection attributes to the parody and satirical take of what “science-fiction wear” is rather than what predicting what “futurism wear” means. In essence, “pseudoscience-fiction”.
Title: Pseudoscience: Perception, Truth, Reality
Techniques: Glass Cutting And Glass Construction
Materials: Gazar, Nylon Spandex, Plexiglass
Designer: Sean Castelo III (seanrcastelo@gmail.com)
Creative Director: Sean Castelo III
Photographer: Oscar Baluyot
Casting: Bench Bello
HMUA: ToniAnne
Models: Aleksander Edelstein, Ruffa Nava